accelerated learning


Original Article:

      • ‣ Learning from History
        • ‣ Learning from the experience of others by studying history and applying it in the present, because history tends to repeat itself.
          ‣ History is one of our biggest sources of Fundamental Knowledge.
          ‣ But this is also a double-edged sword because knowledge collapses over time, much of what we know today will be proven false one day.
      • ‣ Learning from experience
        • ‣ Double-loop learning is a way of updating your opinions and ideas when new evidence and experience show up.
          ‣ If you keep repeating the same mistakes again and again then you’re using single-loop learning.
          ‣ Reflection allows you to change your experience into learning, and make adjustments based on both successes and failures
    • ‣ Select a concept to learn.
      ‣ Teach it to a child.
      ‣ Review and refine your understanding.
      ‣ Organize your notes and revisit them regularly.
    • ‣ It involves revisiting and revising concepts at regular intervals so that you don’t forget them.
      ‣ You need to keep retrieving the information again and again from your memory in order to really not forget.

"The more we learn about the world, the more we can learn about ourselves"

"Knowledge makes everything simpler"

"The best way to learn is to enjoy something to the point where you don't even notice time passing" (Albert Einstein)